Savoury Preserves
Pear Chutney, 250 ml
& Free ShippingThis is a delightful blend of ripe pears, tangy red bell peppers, and aromatic spices, simmered to perfection. Crafted with care from the finest ingredients, it offers a harmonious balance of flavors and textures. Experience the irresistible combination of sweet and savory with every spoonful of this exquisite pear chutney.
Ingredients: Pears, red bell peppers, sugar, cider vinegar, raisins, red onions, ginger, cinnamon, allspice, cloves, salt, cayenne pepper.
Pairings; Perfect as a condiment or accompaniment, it pairs beautifully with cheese, roasted meats, tourtière, sandwiches, and more.
Availability: 4 in stock
Category: Savoury Preserves
Tags: chutney, pear chutney, savoury, with cheese
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