As the sun sets a little earlier each day and a gentle chill creeps into the evening air, it’s a clear sign that summer is fading and fall is on it’s way. And though the end of summer is often sad, it affords us a precious opportunity to rest and recharge before the vibrant tapestry of fall unfolds.
We are in a time of transition. Who but Mother Nature can make transitioning an art? She creates a canvas alive with colour. As trees shed their leaves, and flowers prepare to hibernate, the world takes on a calmer, more introspective hue. It’s as if the Earth herself is whispering, “Rest now, it is time.”
Summer is a season of activity, we take vacations, go on outdoor adventures, meet friends at busy gatherings.But as fall comes, we start to slow down, to stay closer to home. These days, I find myself wanting to sit and take a moment to savour the memories of those sun-kissed days and starlit nights. I want to reflect on my summer adventures and the moments with special people that have filled my heart.
I do some of my reflecting on this bench. It has sat under our big oak for over ten years now. It was a long-ago curb side find that my brother-in-law and I “fought” over. Every time I walk by it, my eyes stray to it longingly. I often feel it beckon me, its invitation quiet by alluring, to just sit for a minute. I’m usually doing something, pruning or transplanting, often on my way to another part of the garden, … but sometimes, I give in.
Fall is just about here. It’s easy to forget that during this unseasonably warm weather, but the season is turning, and there is lots to do, especially in the gardens. We will then move indoors and into the frenetic pace that is the lead-up to the holidays … So I invite you to pace yourself now, dear Friend. Take a few minutes, sit and ponder, reflect on what is good in your life and set your intention for the next few months. Take it slow.
Please share with me what you are grateful for during this time. Leave your reply below, and then, let me tempt you into treating yourself to something seasonal, like Crabapple Jelly or Crabapple Cordial.