Heraclitus, the Greek philosopher, said “Change is the only constant in life.”
Many changes have taken place over the course of this year; I made a decision to change jobs, and then a couple of very dear special people passed away.
Change is difficult, even when we plan on it, are excited about it, and know to gird ourselves for the adjustment period we see coming. It’s so much more of a challenge though to move through it when it’s a change that has been imposed on us and is accompanied by feelings of grief and loss. We’re thrown off kilter, our routines and expectations are disrupted, we’re in uncharted territory. Imagine Linus without his security blanket.
It’s taken us a while to shift into this new place as a family. We have developed new routines around my work day and have held on to treasured keepsakes to remember our loved ones by. We are slowly moving past that difficult season.
Spring has come again. The first flowers have bloomed. And I have started preserving once more.
Michael and I had our first fair last week and we are preparing now for the return of the Marché BEAU on Friday, May 26th. Visit Les Amis du Village Beaurepaire for more info or look for my posts to stay updated – we are very excited!
In the meantime, welcome back my Friend. Please take a moment to reacquaint yourself with my site. Some changes will be coming.
Do visit my Shop too, the Seville Orange Marmalade is back!