Spring is here again!

This is such a wonderful time of year! Everything is green again, there’s colour in the garden and being out of doors is a joy! The days are long and warm and the evenings are cool but pleasant. I always look forward to throwing open the windows and inviting the fresh air into the house. 
It’s the time to start getting lost in the garden, to go for a long leisurely walk, or better yet, to take a snooze in an available hammock. It’s especially time to start setting the outdoor table to enjoy some meals al fresco. Put on the twinkly lights, invite some friends over and open a bottle of something delicious to enjoy with a beautifully set charcuterie board.
I have enjoyed watching the first of the spring flowers bloom again – daffodils, tulips, lilacs and lily of the valley among them. I brought in many of them and made bouquets for the house. Last week, I visited a friend and brought home a lot of lilacs – for flower arrangements and to make some of my sweet lilac jelly. This week, I’ve been plucking the lily of the valley and making miniature bouquets. They smell SO good! The allium is in it’s glory now too, with delicate forget-me-nots billowing in the breeze throughout them in my gardens. And in a few weeks, the peonies will bloom and I will harvest some to create more pockets of beauty in the house – and to make my fragrant peony jelly once more.
Last Friday, Michael and I had our first fair of the year in Beaurepaire Village. Thank you to everyone who came by to say hello and to pick up some of our products. We really do enjoy meeting you and chatting! We will be back at the Marché BEAU on Friday, June 23rd from 3 to 6pm. Visit Les Amis du Village Beaurepaire for more info or look for my posts to stay updated. There are always many artisans and food vendors to discover.
I’m glad that you come on this journey with me, friend, and that you allow me to share these things that bring beauty and joy to my life. Tell me, what is it that you look forward to in spring? I would love to know.
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