Happiness is …

It rained all day yesterday, and although I am truly one of those people who love the rain, I was sad the whole day long. No specific reason; just various Covid-related factors that got me down. I did go into school, and though I was productive, I simply felt like I needed to hide in my office. And so, when this morning also dawned grey and wet, I knew I needed a “me” day. I am very lucky to have the luxury of being able to create my own schedule most days and thankfully, today was one of those days.
I stayed home. I enjoyed two glorious cups of coffee and spent some unhurried time with my husband. I had a nice long hug from my younger son and was able to help my older son clarify his essay statement. I gave my dog some extra attention.
I also wrote an article of gratitude and encouragement for a newsletter I was asked to contribute to.
I am so grateful to have taken the time to do that on a day when I felt blue. It served to uplift me and to remind me of how much positivity there is in my life. Family, friends, opportunities, projects – the fabric of my life is many-hued and splendid. I give God thanks for it.
And wouldn’t you know it? The clouds disappeared, the sun came out and there was no more hint of rain. As I often point out to a friend of mine with a laugh, the sky was blue! What a transformation and now such a wonderful opportunity to go for a walk with the best of walking companions – our lovable dog, Mr. Griffin!
Just goes to show; sometimes, happiness is a walk in the park with a four-legged bundle of love!
How do you find your happiness these days? Let me know in the comment section below.
I wish you happiness and peace in everything you do, friend. Remember we will get through this. 
I hope you take some time for you today.
And I hope you treat yourself to something from my Shop, too!
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