Transformation. Change. Renewal.
New beginnings.
It’s that time of the year again: September is around the corner, Summer is coming to an end with Fall close at its heels.
The garden is yielding its harvest now and it is up to each of us to honour the bounty it has gifted us with. That’s how I see it. The tomatoes have been enjoyed in salads, made into salsa and soup, my herbs have been picked and made into Herbed Salt to be enjoyed throughout the winter, the crabapples I collected made into jelly and cordial once more. All is ready to be stored or brought to Market.
School begins again this week. What will this year look like, I wonder… ? There will be many changes there, I’m sure. We are all together on this new path, this new experience. I hope that we navigate it with grace, patience and continued optimism.
I am confident that all will be well. I choose to live in this moment with Hope … and with Trust in the medical community!
How are you beginning this season, Friend? I hope you will share with me in the comments section below.
Michael and I will be at the BEAU Market one last time on Friday, September 3rd from 3 to 6 pm in the Beaurepaire Village. Hope you can come on by.