Winter has come in earnest now, and in the midst of our latest quarantine, we have quietly ushered in a brand new year. Around us, things seem dark and desolate. The landscape is barren. We are still isolated from loved ones. The future looms uncertain.
Hold that Promise tightly to your heart.
Make this time of Winter one for comfort. Be kind to yourself. Love those whom you have near, send love to those who are afar. Cook something warm and delicious, craft something special. Read a great book. Call a friend, write a letter, host a Zoom. Wake up early and take a long walk with the dog or sleep in late curled up with the cat. Write a journal entry, make yourself a time capsule.
Hunker down for the wait. We are in a holding pattern.
I made some jam today. Our old oven fritzed out on New Year’s Day and between ordering a new one and Michael rebuilding the cabinet to house it, the kitchen was no place for jamming. Until today. Today, at long last, I made one batch of CranRaspberry and two of Berry Medley. Oh yay. As I write this entry, 20 jewel-toned jars of deliciousness sit cooling on the dinning room table, the melody of popping lids my ode to joy.
How will you be kind to yourself this week? Let me know in the comment section below.
Before I go, I have some good news to share! Beaurepaire Village has a new Butcher Bakery shop called Brezen & Co. It is in the front of La Palette, located at 484 Beaconsfield Blvd. #102 Beaconsfield, Qc, H9W 4C4. Open from Wednesday to Saturday each week, you can shop in person or place your order in advance at Brezen & Co. Visit them to find organic meats, fresh seafood or baked goods. They also carry a limited selection of my mustard and chutney and Michael’s applewood charcuterie boards. I hope you give them a try.
Wishing you a happy new year, friend.